Kill Your Gym – Revive Your Results – Achieve New and Exciting Heights of Real-World Strength
With Aleks “The Hebrew Hammer” Salkin’s Inner Circle!
In the fitness world, few people agree on anything. However, one thing EVERYONE can agree on is that having an intelligently-designed plan is like hitting a rocket booster and launching yourself past the confusion, frustration, and non-stop trial and error most people suffer from for months or even YEARS of their training life.
My popular monthly Inner Circle is designed to give you a personal trainer-quality program delivered to your inbox each and every month – at a fraction of the cost!
A good quality personal trainer can set you back anywhere from $300-$500 a month – a steal for how much time and effort they can save you over the long run, to be sure.
However, my monthly Inner Circle ISN’T $500 a month, $300 a month, or even $100 a month.
It’s just $29 per month for 4 quality weeks worth of top-notch training from a guy who’s been training humans for the last 10 years.
This month’s issue: Summer Swole – a program designed to build some muscle and jam-pack it full of strength with key kettlebell and bodyweight strength moves!
Aleks…I just wanted to give a shout out and thank you for the excellent IC routines. I completed a 50 mile trail race yesterday and feel that the routines over the past few months have really helped, particularly the single-leg work, squats, lunges and in-between workouts.
My footing was rock-solid, I never turned an ankle (something that frequently happens), and when I had to make a sudden adjustment to avoid an obstacle, it was smooth, easy and stable.
Strength and mobility really do go hand-in-hand!
- Mike Meagher
I wanted to take a moment to say what a great resource this is that you’ve presented to us in the Inner Circle.
I’m a 43 year old former Marine who works full time and is going to school as well as being a father to two kids. I’m a busy man. But I’ve read many of your articles and watched the tutorials you’ve made with great appreciation for the sensible, no BS approach you take.
After 20 years of military service, I’ve taken a similar position to how operational planning was conducted in my previous life. It was often referred to as BLUF, Bottom Line Up Front. The resource you’ve given us in the Inner Circle is just that.
Demonstrating the ability for us to achieve results without a bunch of extraneous crap. Your programming is both solid in my pursuit of strength and looking better, while also addressing some of the daily aches I endure after a lifetime of taking a pounding on the joints day in and day out.
The Inner Circle is an outstanding resource for straightforward direction on strength and health without the need for web surfing or sifting through the quagmire of fitness “what’s hot and what’s not”.
Now I just have to get over my self-consciousness of people looking at me funny when I’m crawling. Looking forward to the next installment of your Inner Circle. Keep up the great work!
Wow, what a great Inner Circle. I used the methods described and was able to increase the volume on my pull-ups by an insane number. I didn’t obtain my max number first, but did 2,2,2,2,2 x 5 rounds for a total volume of 50 pull-ups, with ease….wow, it felt like I could have kept going at the pace set out in #53 ALL DAY LONG.
Great stuff Aleks, keep it up.
- Aaron Johnston
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