It’s simple – just not easy.

So, you wanna excel at bodyweight training?
You wanna do stunts that drop jaws, inspire envy, and give you a heretofore unimaginable level of personal fitness (not to mention a qualitative edge on attracting/obtaining phone numbers from attractive humans)?
Great decision!
But know this: you’d better be ready to spend a good, long time getting exceptional at these basics:
– Hollow position
– Pushups
– Pullups
– Squats
– Leg raises
– Bridges
Because no amount of “hacking” is going to allow you to bypass the base of training required to allow you to achieve the over-the-top feats you so desperately want to do – from front and back levers to free-standing handstands; from pistol squats to one-arm pushups.
Again, why?
Because the name of the game in ANY strength training discipline is competence, and competence starts with mastery of the basics. How competent do you think you could be if you have a hard time eking out more than a paltry few pullups, yet you’ve got your heart set on doing front levers? Until you put in your time doing the “unsexy” movements that don’t inspire curiously dub step-laden compilation videos, you’ll be stuck at square 1 ad infinitum.
Enjoy the process. You’ll be better and stronger for it. And once you reach the clearing along the path arrived at by working these basics hard, you’ll be met with an opportunity to walk down a new path – a path that will welcome you to some gravity-defying, circus-freak strength.
Put in your time and the way will present itself.
To start off strong, check out this basic bodyweight workout that will help you cover all your bases and get you ready to climb to the highest levels of anti-gravity strength!