Warning: this shit ain’t sexy, but it works.
Wanna be strong as an ox and healthy as a horse?
Here are a few ideas to set you on the right track.
1) Stop buying products and start buying FOOD.
The concept of health has been around since the beginning of time. Contrast this with the concept of needing mass-market products to get healthy and your very “need” for any of these flashy commercial items falls apart right there. Regardless of how great and impressive the scientific advances have been this past century, there is no substitute for treating your body with respect by learning to enjoy (yes, it’s possible) fresh, crisp produce, raw nuts and seeds and a big, fat piece of steak/fish/poultry/whatever. Oh, and water. Plenty of it. Just doing this will clear up an amazing amount of whatever issues you may have accrued.
2) Think in terms of movement rather than “exercise”
You work out 45 minutes a day. That’s a good start, but that still leaves the remaining 23 hours and 15 minutes to potentially be completely sedentary. Which do you think your body will be better adapted to?
Exercise – for as great as it is – is no supplement for going out and climbing something, hiking, playing a game with some friends (hide and seek is fun at any age, and you’ll sneak a “workout” in without even thinking about it), and just about anything else you can think of.
Movement didn’t start in gyms and it shouldn’t end there, either. Get your workout in, and sneak in every opportunity you can to move just for the sake of moving.
3) Sleep!
You know your favorite natural, herbal, pesticide-free, non-GMO healing remedy? Great. Now you can also know just how much it sucks compared to the greatest muscle-building, fat-burning, sickness-smashing, figurative battery-recharging, stress-relieving, border-line cure-all ever. Over the past few months I’ve taken my sleep much, much more seriously and the results have been incredible to say the least, both in terms of how I feel and my training performance. Prioritize a bare minimum of 8 hours of sleep minimum, starting from 1 night a week if you must and weekly adding on one extra night of at least 8 hours. In just shy of 2 months you’ll be amazed at how much leaner, more alert, and healthier you feel.
Health and fitness are your birthright, and they really are that simple. Get a jump on the bare-bones basics now and hammer out the details later. You can thank me by making a check out to my name with the numbers 1-9 followed by as many zeros as you’d like. I’ll be around, don’t worry.