Shatter the Shackles Holding Back Your Gains – Demolish the Road Blocks Preventing You From Making Progress – Carve a Bold and Confident Path to a Long and Bright Future of Epic Calisthenics Strength Gains with…
Calisthenics Conqueror!
Long before the first kettlebells had been smuggled out of the frozen Russian tundras that birthed them, before the barbell left the shores of its birthplace in France and captivated the fitness world, and even before the dumbbell had gone from being an athletic training tool used by the ancient Greeks and Romans, strength and its pursuit were still a top priority for soldiers, athletes, and hard men and women of all stripes.
In other words, strength training did not begin with The Iron we know and love.
In fact, feats of raw strength and brute power go back millennia and can be seen in every major culture throughout the world.
It should come as no surprise that in each of these cases, strength didn’t just “happen”; it had to be cultivated. And while many methods have existed for this cultivation throughout the years, one form in particular has transcended time, cultures, and languages.
I’m speaking of none other than old school calisthenics.
From ancient Egypt to early Greece; from the Roman empire to the cradle of civilization in India and beyond, calisthenics has been a mainstay in the training of everyone from Emperors to the Everyman.
But then something happened.
As our own civilization grew, advanced, and developed, the overwhelming majority of people eventually cast these noble systems of calisthenics by the wayside in favor of flashier, fad-driven training systems – and unknowingly sacrificed their own strength and athleticism in the process.
Despite our obsession with fitness and all the fads of the industry, ours is the first generation in history to have a SHORTER lifespan than our elders! And other iron-clad markers of our strength, including our grip strength, are also LOWER than those of our forebears.
Not awesome.
For all of our obsession with “progress”, when your car is teetering over the edge of a cliff, it’s better to put it in REVERSE rather than mindlessly keep moving forward.
And so it is with our training.
In order to look forward to a brighter, stronger future, we must look back at what worked in the past.
We also need to adjust course to account for the challenges and road blocks we face today – including sedentary living, less familiarity with our bodies, and more “mileage” on them in general.
As daunting a task as that may be, that’s exactly what I’ve aimed to do with my long-awaited Calisthenics Conqueror course.
It’s a 6-week course designed to demolish the speed bumps and road blocks preventing you from getting real-world strong with the no BS calisthenics movements that lay the foundation for your strength – carving a bold and confident path toward both advanced calisthenics movements AND your favorite kettlebell exercises.
Both the course and its accompanying program will lead you by the hand and show you how to tear down the walls that have blocked your path and in the process open up a whole new world of strength, power, and outright defiance of gravity.
In this course you will learn:
- Why weightlifters, strongmen, and epic athletes of all stripes throughout history have embraced calisthenics as an indispensable weapon in their arsenal for physical and athletic domination (page 7)
- Why low reps – NOT high reps – are your safest and most trustworthy bet for breaking new and exciting ground in your calisthenics strength, whether you’re just starting out or are building the launchpad to smash advanced calisthenics feats like one-arm pushups and one-legged pistol squats – and how and why to pass the baton to higher reps AFTER you’ve hit certain foundational strength milestones. (page 9)
- 1 of kettlebell king Pavel’s FAVORITE kettlebell masters from the 1800s – a man who could hold , not one, but TWO 40 kg (88 lb) kettlebells out to his sides at arm’s length – and his go-to, single-set calisthenic morning routine (Page 14)
- 4 “fatal flaws” in almost everybody’s technique that practically cements them in place, ensuring they see hardly any progress (pages 17-19)
- The 5 never-fail principles of successful calisthenics programming – and how they apply to each and every exercise, drill, and feat (pages 20-21)
- No 2 ways about it – the Original Strength resets are one of the most powerful additions to almost ANY strength protocol – and why using them can help you “break the speed limit” in your race to epic gains (pages 24-25)
- Why just 3 essential calisthenics moves done to perfection – the pushup, the reverse lunge, and the bodyweight row – can give you the keys to the kingdom to usher in an absolute flood of future gains IF you learn how to do them “The Hammer Way” (pages 26-27)
- My tried, tested, and proven “2-Step Prep” sequence for each major calisthenics exercise that can dramatically unlock and unleash the strength already hidden within you – sometimes in as little as 30 seconds – for faster, more confidence-boosting strength gains. (The way it works is that it gently forces your body to recruit more muscle, improve your technique, and increase the efficiency of the movement – no wailing or gnashing of teeth required) (Page 30)
- An old school tactic from the world of traditional bodybuilding AND classic weight lifting that is so simple, so diabolically effective it’s a wonder why almost NO ONE does it anymore. You’ll get a 2-page crash course in it on pages 33 and 34.
- The 4-3-2 programming method that can help you to radically amp up your bodyweight strength in short order – while simultaneously packing on new levels of strength, muscle mass, and possibly even some sneaky conditioning gains as well. (page 30)
- My 4-step “cheat sheet” to sharpening and strengthening your technique in the foundational bodyweight skills in potentially as little as 4 minutes – no personal trainer required! (page 38)
- 1 small tweak to do with your Original Strength segmental rolls to get every muscle in your upper back to fire up almost instantly (page 42)
- One rarely seen, almost NEVER taught “trick” to do with your hands while you row to force a freaky, almost immediate increase in strength and muscle recruitment in the blink of an eye. HINT: It also works with kettlebell rows! (page 43)
- Why many – if not most – of your frustrations with pistol squats can be virtually eliminated by mastering lunges and split squats – and how to set yourself up for pistol squat domination with the RIGHT execution of these fundamental lower body skills. (pages 44-47)
- How to “cheat” your way to fuller range of motion squats and lunges – and reap the rewards of greater strength, resilience, and muscle mass faster than ever before. This is a totally safe, mind-bogglingly effective method that the victorious Chinese weightlifting team SWEARS by to help get their new recruits squatting butt-to-heels on day 1 – even if they have stiff hips and stuck ankles. Admittedly, most of my colleagues in the fitness biz will frown on this head-slappingly simple technique tweak, but the results speak for themselves. (page 47)
- 2 ‘almost TOO simple’ movements from the world of physical therapy that make even the toughest bodyweight row and pushup variations a breeze – bulldozing a path toward easier, stronger pullups and eventually even one-arm pushups (pages 42 and 50)
- The 2 mild-mannered movement drills I’ve used to help reduce and even ELIMINATE hip aches, stiffness, and discomfort from my high-paying private clients (page 48)
- Nagging shoulder pain with pushups? Your shoulder might NOT be to blame. Here’s a small but mighty technique tweak you can do with your back that could not only soothe your sensitive shoulders, but potentially even skyrocket your pushup strength in as little as one set! (page 50)
- Why nearly all the major masters of the military press throughout the centuries have sung the praises of the pushup for its impact on their overhead pressing prowess – and how you can do the same and reap the rewards. (page 50)
- A choice blend of flexibility and mobility drills as well as Original Strength resets to help speed up your strength progress in as little as 2 sessions per week (and it can be used as a stand-alone “in-between day” long after your Calisthenics Conqueror adventure is over) (pages 55-65)
- An innovative programming method I’ve NEVER revealed before that I have used with my high-paying 1-on-1 students to amplify their strength gains in short order – without adding weight, doing harder exercises, or wailing or gnashing their teeth (pages 67-68)
- A brand-new, never-before-seen 6-week calisthenics-only program to help you shatter the shackles holding back your progress and blaze a bold and bright path toward a stronger and better future (pages 71-82)
- Much, much more!
To hire me to craft you a customized 6-week course of this depth, breadth, and magnitude would cost $672 – factoring in not only the time, research, and painstaking programming, but also my 13 years of experience teaching people online, in person, and at all-day workshops held all over the globe.
Because this is something I believe should be accessible to anyone with enough grit, determination, and willingness to do the work, I’m making the entire 95-page course available for just $121.
Even better:
Because this is the triumphant maiden voyage of what I believe will prove to be one of my most endearing courses ever, to celebrate this occasion, between today and February 21st at 11:59 pm CST I’m making it available for just $87.
Plus, to really celebrate the unleashing of this course like no other, I’m tossing in these magnificent bonuses until February 21st at 11:59 pm CST as well:
- Kettlebell and Calisthenics Conqueror – The official, no-holds-barred “expansion pack” course combining the most essential, no BS kettlebell strength skills with the classic calisthenics fundamentals to lay siege to your weaknesses and bring for a new and vast Empire of PRs ($121 value)
- The Calisthenics Conqueror Specialized Variety Guide – No conquest is complete without a hefty arsenal of the finest “tools of battle” – in this case, the calisthenics specialists’ tricks-of-the-trade for adding strength-forging, muscle-chiseling variations to the pushup, row, and lunge (this guide even comes complete with an ‘on-ramp routine’ to show you how, when, and why to integrate these movements without overwhelming yourself ($48 value)
- Kettlebells for Bodyweight Domination – Learn the finest (and in some cases most jealously guarded) tricks of the trade for turning your kettlebells into a power tool for slashing, smashing, and dashing through plateau after plateau in your calisthenics strength work ($59 value)
- The Road Warrior – Previously available only to my Inner Circle members, this is my official, members-only guide to making major gains in your kettlebell workouts with calisthenics, even when you’re traveling, without your kettlebells for an extended period of time, or dealing with some other ($59)
- Insider Secrets of Calisthenics for Iron Domination – What do you do once conquered the Calisthenics Conqueror course? How do you wield this new-found power of yours like a bulldozer against the strength plateaus standing in your way pressing, snatching, and all-around man-handling your heavier kettlebells? This no-BS guide will show you how to keep the gains coming for months (and even years) to come ($51 value)
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